Supercharge Your To-Do List With Why

Almost everyone keeps a to-do list of some kind - maybe on a sticky note, application, or even a simple mental list they run through each morning. A look at Apple and Android's top-performing apps will see several to-do lists topping the charts year after year.

That's because listing out tasks is fantastic for productivity. It helps us stay organized and on track with what we need to do, particularly when flooded with work.

As valuable as they are, many still struggle with to-do lists. Seeing a laundry list of tasks spread out can instill a feeling of panic. Also, a basic to-do list is just…a list of things to do. Sure, if you love your job, that list can be exciting. But, when you start getting into minor or inconvenient tasks, there's little there to motivate you.

What's often missing or overlooked in a to-do list is the "why." Adding a "why" to your to-list is a game changer that'll boost your personal motivation and goal achievement. Here's why.


Helps Clarify Priorities

Writing down why a task is essential or why you want to accomplish it gives you a deeper understanding of its significance. This clarity helps you distinguish between urgent tasks that genuinely matter and those that can wait... or, dare we say, may not even need to be done at all.

For example, take a standard work task like "Finish PowerPoint for the team meeting." If your "why" is that it's your turn to do it this week, that's not a high priority. But if your "why" is "to showcase my research and expertise to the new CEO, leading to greater recognition and potential for promotion." - this "why" defines the presentation as a high-priority task with long-term benefits.

Reignites Your Passion

One of the hardest tasks to accomplish at work is one you've done a handful of times already. When you've just started, every assignment is a chance to learn or show off your skill sets. But, after a few months or years, those tasks are as routine as the rising sun.

This is on top of regular motivation, which can already be fickle. It's all too easy to lose sight of why you started a task in the first place. Including a "why" section in your to-do list becomes a source of inspiration. Seeing the purpose behind your tasks reminds you of the bigger picture, helping you stay motivated, especially when you encounter challenges or setbacks. Like in the above example, the why helps you remember that your effort is not in vain and is a stepping stone toward achieving your career goals.


Provides a Greater Sense of Accomplishment

For some, checking items off your to-do list is undeniably satisfying. But knowing the why behind a task cranks that sense of accomplishment to eleven. Your "why" section allows you to reflect on the reasons behind your achievements, reinforcing that your efforts have a purpose.

As you mark off tasks with meaningful "whys," you'll feel a deeper sense of fulfillment and progress toward your larger goals. This positive reinforcement can boost your self-esteem and encourage you to enthusiastically tackle additional tasks.

Align Yourself to You to Goals

A "why" added to your to-do list improves goal alignment. It ensures that your daily tasks align with your long-term aspirations, helping you achieve your desired outcomes. It acts as a compass, guiding you towards the most meaningful and impactful tasks in the context of your goals.

It can also help align you to more significant business goals. If your company has recently shifted goalposts, it's worth double-checking the "whys" behind routine tasks. Are these tasks you do because you've always done them, or do they support your company's business objectives?

Helps You Adapt to Changes

Work is unpredictable, and plans often change. A "why" section in your to-do list can help you adapt and make informed decisions when faced with the unexpected. If you know why a task is crucial, you can assess whether it still holds the same importance when other urgent matters arise.

Say an urgent project suddenly demands your attention. Review your to-do list, evaluate the "whys" associated with each task, and make an informed choice about what to prioritize next.

Try Adding a Why

Adding a "why" section to your to-do list is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your productivity. It clarifies your priorities, keeps you motivated, reinforces your sense of accomplishment, and allows you to adapt while ensuring that your tasks align with your goals.

In Taskworld, you could add the why to the Description area in Properties. Or, if you're running a Kanban setup in Taskworld, you could add a tab for "why" nestled inside the steps. Where you add it isn't as important as adding it and taking the time to look at it when the motivation wanes.

The next time you create your to-do list, don't forget to consider the "why." Your answers will give you the extra motivation and purpose needed to slide your to-do's over to completion.

See how Taskworld can help manage your work, from supercharging your to-do's to improved communication and collaboration and more! Sign-Up today!

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