Collaborate seamlessly through integrated chat

Without communication, work gets pretty difficult. If the tools for communication are bad, work becomes frustrating. It gets in the way of our flow, and our time becomes a wasted affair, as we wait for those emails to arrive, hours later.

If you’ve felt this pain, know that we have as well. There’s nothing so demoralizing and unproductive than trying to work out how to simply speak with your team or co-workers. It becomes a nightmare.

Because we’ve felt this pain, we aimed to make sure Taskworld is as painless as can be. Some project management applications don’t even offer an in-built chat function. As much as your work becomes a seamless process, so should communication. That’s our core ethos with our chat function.

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Integrated chat

In Taskworld, you’ve got options. There’s no singular chat function, there’s multiple. All to make sure that your words are organized, and in the right place. What we mean by this, is if you need to chat with a specific team member? You’re covered. Need to talk to your entire team? You can. Have to talk about a specific project? Go ahead, it’s all there.

By keeping chats contextual, you can keep things relevant to your task. If there was just one chat available, you’d have comments about everything, making it harder to keep track, especially if there are 4 or 5 people talking at the same time, about 3 different things.

As humans, we like to let people know how we feel, and we like to know how others feel. Reactions are a simple way to do this, without having to create a paragraph of appreciation.

Be trigger-happy with them. It’ll make for a better atmosphere. 🎉


Video Chat

It’s not all about written communication with Taskworld. There’s another option for those that look great in front of the camera. Video chat.

Now, we’ll have to be honest here. Taskworld itself doesn’t have the capabilities to give you video calling in the app. There’s too much already out there that can do this anyway, so instead, we did something else.

Integration. On the premium plan and upwards, you’re able to use Google Meet integration. This is a fast and easy way, to get a video call set up, straight away, and with no fuss. No going off Taskworld, it’s all done for you, instantaneously.

Don’t worry though, free plan users, you’ll still be able to set up video calls. It’ll just be more of what you’re used to, rather than just a click.


Search Feature

It’s a bit too easy to lose things, when communication is active and thriving. A day’s worth of messages can easily make you lose that important bit of information, if you need to go back to it when something new comes up.

Yep, you guessed it. Search feature. If you remember the conversation, and if there are any significant keywords used, you can search for one of those keywords, and find what you were looking for, in any chat, project or task.

If by chance, a task gets deleted, and you lose the chat records, don’t worry. You can restore them by going through your notifications, and finding them. There are ways to keep completed tasks on record, for future purposes. Plus, we have unlimited tasks on all plans.


GIFs & Emojis

Whilst GIFs and emojis aren’t at the top of the priority list, they’re still nice to have, for a myriad of reasons.

Aside from being fun, they’re an extra way to add another layer to your team’s communication. A funny anecdote can relieve tensions, and in some cases, better express a point you are trying to make.

GIFs are always fun, and there are some great ones to choose out there. They’re a great way to remove the corporate tension.

Emojis are the same, they enhance text, giving context. Of course, they aren’t for everyone, especially if you’d prefer a more professional environment, but for those who like to keep it casual, they’re available and ready for your team to use, to communicate better with everyone, and have a little bit of fun on top of all of that.

Other features

Here are some honorable mentions that we can’t write paragraphs about. They’re useful in their own little ways, and maybe, it’s what makes you pick Taskworld.

  • Comments – As mentioned before, comments are separate from a chat, and are more visible. Can be used for progress updates, or pinning important files, so they’re always in reach.

  • File Uploads – Wouldn’t be much of a project management app if you couldn’t upload files. You can do this almost anywhere, as well as exchange project links. All within your Taskworld chat window.

  • Email Integration – You can send emails from within Taskworld. No need to switch tabs, or active windows.

  • Mentions – Much like when you @ someone, you can do the same in Taskworld.

  • Public/Private Chats – You can restrict chats to certain people, or make them open and available to everyone.

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